Shenlong Gundam Neo
Model number: XXXG-01S
Code name: Shenlong Gundam Neo
Unit type: Mobile suit
Manufacturer: Master O (with assistance from Long clan)
Cost: 1,725,000 credits
Dimensions: Head height 16.4 meters
Weight: 7.4 metric tons
Construction: Gundanium alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor
Performance levels: Speed - 160
Armor - 180
Fighting - 180
Power - 170
Armaments: 1 x Beam glaive
1 x Dragon fang on right arm
1 x Double flamethrower on right arm
Comments: Shenlong's beam glaive works same way as a beam sabre.
It runs out of energy after five turns of use. The
Dragon fang can be used only once in a fight and the
flamethrower can only be use once in a fight also but
charges back up after every fight, no use of ammo.