Gundam Sandrock Kai
Model number: XXXG-01SR2
Code name: Gundam Sandrock Custom
Unit type: Mobile suit
Manufacturer: Instructor H (with modifications by Howard)
Cost: 1,675,000 credits
Dimensions: Head height 16.5 meters
Weight: 7.9 metric tons
Construction: Gundanium alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor
Performance levels: Speed - 150
Armor - 180
Fighting - 170
Power - 170
Armaments: 2 x Heat shotel
1 x Beam gun - 3 x Ammo
Comments: Sandrock's heat shotels do same damage as beam sabres
but can be used forever unlike the beam sabres that can
only be used for only 5 turns till energy runs out.