Gundam Heavyarms Custom
Model number: XXXG-01H2
Code name: Gundam Heavyarms Custom
Unit type: Mobile suit
Manufacturer: Doktor S (with modifications by Howard)
Cost: 1,900,000 credits
Dimensions: Head height 16.7 meters
Weight: 8.2 metric tons
Construction: Gundanium alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor
Performance levels: Speed - 170
Armor - 210
Fighting - 170
Power - 210
Armaments: 1 x Heat knife
2 x Double gatling gun - 6 x Ammo
2 x 3-tube missile launchers on both shoulders - 6 x Missiles
6 x 3-tube missile launchers on both legs - 18 x Missiles
2 x Gatling gun in chest - 2 x Ammo
Comments: The heat knife does the same damage as a beam sabre
but can be use forever instead of only 5 turns.