Gundam F91

Model number: F91
Code name: Gundam F91
Unit type: Prototype general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: Strategic Naval Research Institute
Cost: 1,900,000 credits
Dimensions: Head height 15.2 meters
Weight: 7.2 metric tons
Construction: Gundarium alloy/ceramic composite on movable frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor
Performance levels: Speed - 190
Armor - 190
Fighting - 190
Power - 190
Armaments: 1 x Beam sabre
1 x Beam rifle - 3 x Ammo
2 x VSBR - 6 x Ammo
Comments: The VSBR uses the same ammo as a beam cannon but due to its high tech design its attack damage grows with power.

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