Gundam Double X
Model number: GX-9901-DX
Code name: Gundam Double X
Unit type: Satellite system loading mobile suit
Manufacturer: New Earth Federation
Cost: 1,900,000 credits
Dimensions: Head height 17.0 meters
Weight: 7.8 metric tons
Construction: Lunar gundanium alloy armor and frame
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor
Performance levels: Speed - 200
Armor - 180
Fighting - 180
Power - 200
Armaments: 1 x Hyper beam sabre
2 x Missile launcher in chest - 2 x Missiles
2 x Satellite Cannon
1 x Buster rifle - 3 x Ammo
Comments: The buster rifle do the same damage and uses same ammo
as a beam cannon. The sattelite cannon does 150 pts. of
damage each but needs 5 turns to charge then fire.
Cannot fire the sattelite cannon at begin of battle until fully charge.